What we fail to realize is those bad moods are not bad and they’re actually good for you. Here are a couple of reasons why.

Can You Believe Bad Moods Are Good for You?

There are scientifically-backed up reasons why a bad mood is good for you. Humans constantly have changing moods, and while we can’t stay happy forever, having bad moods can serve in our favor.[1]

1. Creativity Boost

Most artists and writers produce their best works when grieving, depressed, or in a bad mood. When you experience negative emotions, it also helps to fuel your creativity. While creating in a bad mood, your attention is sharpened, making you more focused. The result of creative work done in a sad state of mind is primarily different. You will notice that it’s unique and more thoughtful. For a creative work to be unique, it needs emotional sensitivity triggered by bad moods. Bad moods increase the ability to create. According to research, the negative moods during the outbreak of COVID-19 were connected to cognitive creativity and emotional creativity.[2]

2. Better Memory

Bad moods create a unique thinking style that’s free of preexisting knowledge. When you are in a bad mood, you are free from distractions, and it’s easier to remember things. Imagine being an eyewitness during an accident or a robbery. It is easier to give an account of the event while you are still in the scene because of your mood. Once you leave the scene, it is easier to forget because you become distracted, which can lead to false information. It is easier to have more critical thoughts when you are in a negative mood. It is safe to say that bad moods improve our attention span. Research has shown that there is a correlation between negative moods induced by weather and its ability to help people remember things correctly. [3] People in a bad mood are more likely to give a straightforward account of their day than those in a happy mood.

3. Better Communication

Suppose you find yourself communicating while in a bad mood. You will notice how easy it is to come up with supportive arguments. It is easier to use a persuasive argument when in a bad mood. When you see a movie which didn’t match your expectation, it is easier to give reasons to back up your opinion. For a happy person, their defensive statements might be all over the place. Bad moods allow you to have qualitative communication. You provide relevant information in more minor and well-speculated words.[4]

4. Fuller Life

When people refer to living their best lives, their fondest memories are the happy ones. No one speaks of how experiencing bad moods helps you live a full life. It is almost impossible to feel happy all the time. Humans must feel the full spectrum of emotions to function correctly. Being in a bad mood allows the ability to live a full life while acknowledging all our emotions. It allows us to pay more attention to life and appreciate everything. It is also important to note that happiness cannot exist without other emotions. Therefore, it is as essential as sadness.

5. Aids in Human Connection

There are moments when you find yourself in a bad mood, and although you do not say it out, the person next to you can feel your emotions. They tend to hear your unspoken emotions through your body language. It moves them to offer help or words of comfort. Science shows that emotions can be contagious. For example, being someone who is stressed can increase your own stress. This is called empathetic stress and can be measured by the hormones being released into your bloodstream, which increases your stress levels.[5] Bad moods raise concern from family, colleagues at work, and even friends. It encourages human connection and shows how psychologically connected we are by our emotions.

6. Helps Connect to the Present

Our ever-wandering minds always trigger nostalgic or negative emotions from the past. We often find ourselves dwelling on situations from weeks or years ago. While this can be harmful and depressive, bad moods help us hold on to the future. If you cannot fix past errors, it is better to focus on the future. Bad moods help us better handle past situations, this time without inevitable distractions. Instead of sticking to the past for a long time, it is easier to learn from it. Bad moods give us more focus on the present than good moods.

7. Motivating

Who says all the motivation you need in life can come from a happy place? When in a happy mood, you mostly sit back and enjoy being in the moment. There is no pressure to get some things done because you are in a “happy place.” With bad moods, it is different, however. You are triggered to do everything to get yourself out of this particular mood. Bad moods are a mild alarm for the mind. It increases perseverance. While happy moods make us safe and comfortable, bad moods motivate us to do more. According to research by the Association for Psychological Science, our moods are reflective of the hedonic principle, which means we are more drawn to choose activities that “aim to minimize negative affect and maximize positive affect.” One of the findings from this research showed that people tend to seek mood-enhancing activities when they are feeling negative, and when they feel good, they tend to engage in unpleasant activities with longer-term payoffs like cleaning. [6]

8. Better Sense of Judgment

Bad moods make you more careful and skeptical while processing information. Being in a bad mood gives you x-ray vision. When we are sad or in a bad mood, we become more analytical of a situation. There are fewer errors in our judgment, and it is more straightforward to dictate lies than when in a happy mood.

Manage Your Emotions and Your Mood

It is better to experience a bad mood now. Every time we overcome a negative feeling by replacing it with a happy one, we risk getting into the sinkhole of depression in the future. As humans, we cannot suppress emotions for too long. When you feel sad, find a better way to handle the feelings instead of pushing them to the side. Dealing with an emotion reduces the chances of it coming back. For these reasons, it is also best to know that being in a bad mood for a long time is not great for your health. A bad mood triggers stress hormones and affects your blood pressure. It increases your stress level and reduces your sleep quality. It is essential to learn how to control your emotions. If you let your emotions control you, your regrets will increase. Our emotions are more potent than we give them credit for. It also determines how we interact with people and how we are perceived. Being in a bad mood all the time might make you emotionally weak. Managing emotions require effort and practice.

How to Get Out of a Bad Mood?

If you find yourself in a bad mood for a long time, it could affect your immune system and make you sick. A study conducted by Pennsylvania State University in State College found that negative moods are associated with an increased risk of inflammation, which is the body’s defense mechanism.[7][8]

1. Ask Yourself “Why Am I in a Bad Mood?”

It is one of the easiest ways to feel better. When your bad mood lasts longer than a few days, it is advisable to seek medical help. Being in a bad mood for a long time is a sign of depression or other mental health issues. So ask yourself and find the reasons why you are feeling this way.

2. Understand Your Emotions

Try to track the things that have caused you anger in the previous days or weeks. Write down how often you get angry, what easily puts you in a bad mood, and how long does it last? Talking with a trusted friend is okay as it will help you understand your anger or bad mood pattern.

3. Get Back in Shape

Exercising releases the happy chemicals in your brain and boosts your mood. Aerobic exercises can serve as a physical outlet for emotions. People have felt better after boxing exercises. It is easier to channel your anger to inanimate objects while working out. A few jumping jacks, push-ups, and jogging can help put you in a better mood. Next time you find yourself in a bad mood, take some time to exercise your body a little.[9]

4. Mindful Habits

Mindfulness practices like yoga, journaling, and meditation can help you get out of a bad mood. It puts you in a calmer state of mind and allows you to focus better. Instead of pacing when you’re in a bad mood, it is best to sit quietly for five minutes and talk yourself into calmness. By repeatedly practicing mindfulness habits, your mood will become better.

5. Visual Cues

Visual reminders like sticky notes and phone notifications can help get you out of a bad mood. Write calming statements like breathe, smile, and other affirmations on paper and place them somewhere you can easily reach them. A few positive statements are what you need to get out of a bad mood. They also help you to be optimistic about life. Instead of thinking of the many reasons why your life sucks, you can replace such thoughts with a means to improve your life. Optimism helps you let go of negative emotions and stay in a happy place.

Final Thoughts

A bad mood keeps you alert to things around you. Bad moods like fear, disgust, and shame make it easier to avoid threatening situations. While there are benefits and reasons why being in a bad mood is good for you, it is best not to dwell on it for a long time. Bad moods can grow into debilitating disorders and make you withdraw from everyone. For your happiness, it is advisable to seek medical health if you’re struggling to get out of a bad mood. Featured photo credit: Anthony Tran via unsplash.com