When the tea leaves are just starting to bud, they are protected from sunlight. This process delays physical growth development but the production of amino acids continues to increase internally. When they are picked and grounded, the end product is a bright, almost luminous, green powder. The newer the leaves, the sweeter the taste and these are reserved for the highest grade of matcha. For slightly matured leaves, they taste slightly less sweet and more bitter. These are normally sold as cheaper matcha grades and can also be used for cooking.

Matcha Is On The Trend

Matcha green tea has managed to gain a legion of faithful followers and an increasing number of people are constantly jumping on the bandwagon. One of the main appealing points about matcha lies in its ability to be treated as a substitute for coffee. While many people have made the conversion from coffee to matcha green tea, highlighted below are 9 vital points that are bound to convince the remaining critics to make the conversion.

Reason 1: No Consequences Of A Caffeine Spike

Although coffee possesses the ability to keep the senses awake due to its high caffeine content, it does come with several drawbacks. The increased energy levels that are produced by coffee consumption is only a temporary effect and once it starts to wear off, the body will feel more tired than before. To sustain this productivity rate, the body craves for more caffeine. Otherwise, it surrenders to the exhaustion and simply goes to rest. Additionally, studies have shown that a sudden increase in caffeine creates havoc to the psychological state of mind and cause users to experience nervousness and jittery. In contrast, matcha green tea contains roughly a third of the caffeine content as compared to coffee. However, due to the presence of the L-theanine phytonutrient, the caffeine is stored in the body and released at a much slower pace. On the average, it takes up to three hours for the body to absorb the whole caffeine content of matcha green tea. This enables it to keep the body energized for a longer period without suffering the consequences of a caffeine spike.

Reason 2: No Nervousness And Jittery That Is Brought On By The High Caffeine Levels In Coffee 

Another benefit of L-theanine phytonutrient is its ability to offer a calm sensation to individuals. While it helps to reduce any signs of stress and anxiety, it also increases the alpha brainwaves that can invoke a sense of relaxation without any feeling of drowsiness or sleepiness. This is a stark contrast to the feelings of nervousness and jittery that is brought on by the high caffeine levels in coffee beverages.

Reason 3: Better Oral Hygiene With No Coffee Stains And Bad Breath

Matcha’s antibacterial properties extend further to provide vital protection to the teeth, prevent plague build up and improve general oral health. On the other hand, coffee stains the teeth and also causes bad breath that is a major turn-off for many people.

Reason 4: You Will Experience Better Concentration And Focus

Matcha green tea also puts its users in a positive mood and help them concentrate better. This is made possible by the increased secretions of serotonin and dopamine in the body. Both elements are vital neurotransmitters that are effective in preventing depression and stabilizing mood.

Reason 5: You Will Absorb All The Antioxidants That Matcha Has To Offer

Unlike coffee, matcha green tea has long been lauded for its extraordinary antioxidants capabilities. Scientists have proven that not only can the antioxidants prevent the growth of cancer cells, it can also help to fight against the free radicals within the body.

Reason 6: You Will Enjoy An Enhanced Immune System And Detoxification Of The Body

Iron, calcium, protein, potassium, vitamins A and C are some of the nutrients that matcha green tea offers. The powerful combination of these nutrients helps to boost the immune system and ensure its normal functionality. In addition, the high chlorophyll content also qualifies matcha green tea as an effective detoxifier that helps to rid the body of all impurities, toxins and heavy metals.

Reason 7: You Will Burn Calories At A Faster Rate And Increase Metabolism Rate

Another distinct advantage that coffee lacks is the ability to increase metabolism rate and help to burn calories at a faster pace. Many weight loss products contain matcha green tea extracts due to its proven prowess of burning calories 4 times faster than the normal rate, allowing users to benefit from faster weight loss.

Reason 8: You Will Benefit From The Anti-Aging Properties Of Matcha

For consumers who are more focused on their appearances, the antioxidants in matcha extract also boost anti-aging properties mainly derived from the high level of antioxidants. It helps to fight off skin diseases and offer essential protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation.

Reason 9: You Will See An Improvement In Your Skin Condition

Coffee intake has been associated with bad skin conditions and can also cause acne outbreaks. In contrast, matcha contains antibacterial properties that can help to clear any acne outbreaks and also provide the skin with a radiant glow.

Tips To Implement Matcha Into Your Daily Life

Despite the extensive health benefits of matcha green tea, it is not necessary to totally swear off coffee and make a hardcore switch. Ultimately, the body needs time to adjust to new and healthier appetite choices. For starters, it might be more prudent to drink a cup of matcha green tea in the morning instead of relying on the caffeine spike. A small cup of coffee in the afternoon is not a bad idea but it should be recommended for evening consumption. As the body slowly adapts to the new diet choice, it will be easier to switch to matcha green tea permanently and protect the body from harmful effects of coffee consumption.