Sadly not, usually we go on making the same mistake time after time, because the road leading to the problem looks different from the last one. Still the problem remains the same. Here we look a some those of life lessons we keep forgetting that can help us get away from the mistakes that block us from getting on with our lives:

1. Life is short.

Wait. We forget that? Yes, yes we do. Most of us keep waiting for “life to begin” forgetting that while we wait life goes on and we get older. It is best to realise that while waiting for what we want we do other things that make us happy. If you dream of writing a book, start with writing short stories online. If you dream of becoming a singer, start with a pub or talent night. It’s no use only waiting as nobody knows you yet and your talent are sitting at home wasting away. Life is short: if you want to do something, do it while you can.

2. Life is what you make it

Oh, there it is again. That old cliché. Well, it is a cliché for a reason: it’s true. Nobody can live your life for you. It is you and you alone who ignites the flame. Others can help and you can build a team. But someone has to start whatever it is you want. If you want to be happy: chose to be. If you feel stuck look inside for what it is that blocks you. Even in the darkest hour there is always something that can bring light.

3. Be kind to yourself

A lot of people claim you should “love yourself”, as if it’s that easy. But I have found that a lot of people feel troubled by that notion. Some go as far as saying “there is nothing to love about me”. Of course there always is something to love in every one, but you have to find it first. Start with being kind to yourself. Allow yourself to feel proud of big or small accomplishments. Compliment yourself if you think you look okay on certain days. Allow yourself a treat once in a while: new clothes, a piece of chocolate, anything. My motto: if you can’t love yourself, at-least be kind. Kindness can lead to love.

4. Appreciate Me-time and quality-time with others

These days we all rush through our days without seeing, feeling or even thinking. We stare at a computer at work and go home to stare at a different screen. We miss out on friends, family and even ourselves. This is a shame and a major source for depression. We all should schedule some time in our days, at least three hours for family and ourselves. Time to talk, have fun and think. Time away from the screen is important as a lot of our lives might be online now, but those we are closest to are right next to us.

5. Get out there

If you feel unhappy in any place or situation. If you are unhappy with certain people in your life: leave or let them go. Holding on to anything or anybody despite it making you feel bad never did anyone any good. You can waste years of your life trying to help, doing the right thing or fearing change or being alone. Don’t, in the end it just leaves you with nothing and you will have to start over again. Live life for you and try to be as happy as you can possible be, even if that means making changes. Featured photo credit: via