There are several words in the dictionary that are incredibly difficult to use. In fact, even native speakers get common rules mixed up due to spelling and usage. The problem is that technology hasn’t helped this issue at all either. In the 90’s SMS or text messaging has forced individuals to take shortcuts. Fitting replies in 160 characters (remember those days?) was no easy task. Therefore, vowels were mostly removed and acronyms were in circulation to save space. Fast forward to today, and new dictionary apps and predictive keyboards automatically correct one’s spelling and grammar mistakes. Although not 100% accurate, such advancements has actually hindered the English skills of today’s young generation. To add to this, emojis and new sets of acronyms such as LOL, BRB and FTW are quickly being created- well because no one has time to spell out those phrases. Commonly Misspelled or Misused Words [infographic] | Daily Infographics